Frequently asked questions
Spray Tanning
- Thoroughly EXFOLIATE and SHAVE 24 hours before your spray tan. When exfoliating, pay attention to dry areas like neck, chest, heels, elbows, creases of arms, knees and behind the knees.
- Day of Tan: Do not use an oil based scrub before your tan. Use a non-moisturizing soap or body wash.
- Avoid wearing make-up-moisturizers, and deodorants to your appointment. This acts as a barrier to the spray and stops the color from developing properly.
- Avoid working out immediately before your spray tan.
- Wear dark colored, loose-fitting clothing and sandals following your treatment. Baggy pants are preferable over shorts.
- For optimal results, it's suggested that you get your hair done, waxing and have manicure and pedicure 24 hours prior to appointment time.
- For clients with heavy sun spots, put a small amount of lotion on the larger sun spot areas prior to your appointment. This will help those areas to not pull too much solution when sprayed.
Post-Tan Tips
- With proper care, your spray tan should last on average 7-10 days.
- Do not touch the skin with your hands as the bronzer will transfer to the palms.
- IMPORTANT: You must avoid water entirely for at least four hours or you will stop the tanning action of the solution! This includes washing your hands or using lotions too.
- Immediately after your spray tan, avoid activities that may cause you to sweat excessively.
- Use air conditioning in your car on a hot day to avoid sweating.
- Bring an umbrella if drizzling, raining, or snowing the day of your appointment.
- We recommend waiting at least 24-48 hours to wax/shave after your spray tan. When shaving, use a conditioner as a shaving agent and a new razor to help minimize tan removal and to keep skin soft.
- Moisturize twice daily for optimal results.
- A follow up spray tan can be applied between 7-10 days after your first appointment. It is advised to wait at least 2 weeks between tans for most optimal results.
For Traditional/Overnight Tans:
- We recommend waiting 8-10 hours before showering.
- Be sure to sleep in clothing that covers arms and legs - loose fitting is best.
- Avoid touching the skin. If you do, immediately try to wipe palms or fingers with a clean with wet cloth.
- When sleeping, keep hands away from face and neck areas; rest hands on top of blankets to try to avoid contact.
- For your first shower (8-10 hours) after your tan, do not wash hair if possible. Just use soap on privates and armpit areas as the tan is still developing.
- When getting out of shower, pat the skin dry (NEVER RUB DRY). Leave the skin damp and then apply moisturizer. This helps lock in the moisture and keep the tan from fading unevenly.
- The "instant color" or cosmetic bronzer will rinse off as it is designed to do leaving you with a nice, even and natural color.
- Use lotion after showers and at night before bed.
- If you need to shave during the duration of the tan, always use a NEW razor (do not use ones with moisture strip), and use your conditioner as a shaving agent - this will help minimize what comes off.
- For those clients heading on a vacation or going in the sun, always be sure to use a spray tan safe sunscreen. You can get a burn from the sun even with a spray tan.
- When showering the 2nd day, follow instructions above, however, use a gentle hand in shower with a spray tan approved body wash. Never scrub or rub the skin to wash while spray tan is on.
Please view our products to avoid and use after a spray tan pdf for more help on products to use.
Rapid Rinse Tans:
- Rinse with WATER ONLY at designated rinse time discussed with your spray tan artist.
- For light tans shower in 4 hours, medium 6 hours and for dark tans leave 8 hours or overnight.
- When rinsing, this is just a water rinse. DO NOT USE SOAP for this first rinse.
- Watch water run down the drain, rinse behind ears, spread butt cheeks, get neck, and be sure to hold arms up and down to be sure all bronzer has come off.
- Get out of shower and pat skin dry or use a hair dryer to dry skin. Get dressed for bed.
**Follow shower directions for traditional tans above for 2nd day shower.
Our clients receive the most optimal results when they book 1-3 days before an event. Please note that day one of your tan begins 24 hours after your session. If you're looking to book the same day as your event, we could try a rapid tan or just use a cosmetic bronzer that washes off.
A trial tan is mandatory to be sure that your skin works with the solution and to decide what day you should receive the tan prior to your wedding date. After seeing how the color develops and fades, we can better determine how many days prior to the wedding to apply the tan. Typically, we suggest two days before your wedding day. This will ensure the best look and prevent any color transfer on the dress.
It is recommended that you tan at least two days or get two showers in prior to the event for the best results. This will ensure the best look and prevent any color transfer on the dress.
Your tan should last anywhere between 4-9+ days. The longevity will all depend on your hormones, medications being taken, skin pH, how well you followed the post care, and what products you use on your skin, and age of skin.
You should refrain from using bar soaps (especially Dove) and moisturize a minimum of 2x a day. Drinking a lot of water and staying hydrated can help the tan's endurance. Soaps and many body lotions contain SLS, parabens or mineral oil, or drying alcohols will strip and fade the tan. Using cheap drugstore products can cause blotchiness and bad fading too. The amount of physical activity, aftercare, and proper preparation for the tan are all factors of how many days one can expect their tan to last.
For a list of approved skincare products, see our pdf document below for download.
Rinsing earlier than advised by your spray tan consultant can affect the look and duration of the tan. It is best to try to not sweat until at least 10 hours after your tan for a traditional and 4 hours for rapid tan.
Rain will ruin a tan. Make sure to bring an umbrella if it is raining or snowing the day of your appointment.
Tight clothes can cause imperfections or lightening of the tan. It is recommended to wear loose fitting clothes until the initial rinse off.
Jacuzzies and hot tubs will remove a sunless tan.
If going on vacation, please know that swimming in pools and the ocean can fade your tan. If you have water sports planned, it is important that you use a tan extender or wash off bronzer to replenish the color afterwards.
Spa pedicures where you're soaking your feet and getting leg treatments done will remove the tan. Polish changes are ok, but no soaking.
Getting a massage during the tan can affect the tan due to the lotions and essential oil products that are used on the skin. It is important to avoid these during the duration of your tan or until after your desired event.
Always blot the skin when drying after the shower. No rubbing. Leave the skin damp (don't dry completely) and then moisturize the body head to toe. This will help lock in moisture to the skin helping the tan stay longer and fade more evenly.
Try to refrain from soaking in baths. It is recommended that you only shower.
Avoid waxing the skin as it will remove the skin layer that has the tan.
DO NOT touch the skin post tan. Avoid any skin-to-skin contact or touching the skin or checking the tan lines or the tan will come off and transfer to your palms.
If possible, please avoid any anti-aging or acne products can cause the tan to fade.
Bug sprays can cause the tan to fade.
There are a few ways to remove the spray tan:
- Soak in a hot bathtub for 15 minutes. Add baby oil to the water to increase effectiveness. When out of the tub, use a rougher towel and dry the skin off and rub gently to remove the tan residue.
- Mix baking soda and lemon juice to create a paste and use that to exfoliate and scrub the areas you want to remove.
- Use a coarse towel when getting out of shower to sluff off skin.
No. Sugarbody Co's. spray tanning products are made with natural and organic ingredients like apple-sugar which is a natural brown color. Most all other solutions on the market contain beat or carrot fermented extracts, which is where the orange tones and unpleasant scent stem from.
Even though most skin tones achieve golden honey colors when tanned in real sun, we custom blend all solutions to match skin tones best to ensure a more bronze outcome. We guarantee the highest quality, golden-honey and chocolate-brown results.
Our spray tanning solutions will react naturally with each specific skin tone. Your airbrush technician will select the best shade for your skin color and type. Pending time of year, we will blend a solution that fits a color that is natural and close to the way you normally tan. We offer rapid tans which work well for lighter, fairer skin tones as we can rinse in less time ensuring a light glow and less brassy outcomes. Red heads and pink skin clients love our tans!
For your tanning session, Sugarbody babes will receive disposable g-string thongs and a hair cap to wear. You're welcome to wear your own bottoms, but remember anything you leave on your skin will leave a prominent tan line for the life of your sunless tan. We suggest going topless for less tan lines, but we encourage you to do what feels most comfortable to you.
Sugabrush beaus are required to wear our disposable shorts or their own bottoms for their session.
It is suggested that you dress in loose-fitting clothing when you come to your appointment, preferably darker in color. Pants are recommended so you don't rub the legs when hopping in a car or sitting down afterward. Flip-flops or slip-on shoes are recommended as well.
Your spray tanning consultant will be able to assess your skin color and type to find the best color to match your skin tone. However, if you have a photo of yourself with a tan or a tanning goal in mind (from summer), please bring in a picture and we will determine how to best achieve your desired look and still keep your tan natural-looking.
We use several types of solutions at our location. All of our product lines are vegan and made of naturally derived organic ingredients. Our solutions are parben-free, erythrulose free and formaldehyde free. Ingredients can include: muscadine grape skin, seed extract, aloe vera, purified de-mineralized water, certified organic aloebarbadensis extract, eco-certified dihydroxyacetone (DHA), witch hazel, caramelized sugar, caramel citral, almond extract, cranberry seed extract, vanilla planiflora, termindiagerinandiana, backhousiacitriodora, vitamin E & vitamin C, CoQ10, caramel and cacao.
Our solutions do NOT contain any mineral oils, sulfates, glycols, petrochemicals or gluten, and they have only been tested on happy clients instead of animals. If you have a nut allergy, please inform your spray tan artist so we can use a nut-free solution.
The active ingredient in self-tanning and spray tanning products is dihydroxyacetone (DHA). DHA has been used in cosmetic preparations for almost 30 years and was listed with the FDA in 1973. It is declared safe and suitable for use in cosmetics and used to color the skin. DHA is derived from glycerin (vegetable origin) which is a commonly used cosmetic and food ingredient. DHA is not absorbed into the body and poses no possibility of toxicity. Our solutions contain eco-certified DHA from Paris, France and are derived from natural ingredients.
We use extraction fans and can provide nose filters for those clients that want more protection. Spray tanning is safe for pregnant women, but we always suggest you consult your doctor before making an appointment.
If it is possible, we suggest waiting at least 24 hours after your session to participate in activities that will cause you to sweat. This will give the solution time to fully develop and prevent streaking that could result from perspiration.
If you must, we suggest doing a traditional overnight tan and working out with the tan still on and then showering post-workout.
For the most optimal tanning results, we suggest getting your manicures and pedicures and hair appointments done at least 24 hours prior to your session. We provide hair caps to protect your hair and our solutions are not designed to stain hair. Additionally, we use creams on the hands and feet to protect your nails, and we wipe your hands and nails after being sprayed.
Waxing should be done 48 hours prior and shaving 24 hours prior to your session to ensure natural-looking results.
Products to Use and Avoid After Your Spray Tan
Learn about safe products to use on your skin after your spray tan!
Brow Tinting & Waxing
Tinting alone will take anywhere from 5-10 minutes on average. If you add on a wax plan, it can increase appointment to 20-30 minutes.
The tint used for this service is meant to mainly stick to the hairs on your eyebrows, however, there is a possibility of a slight stain on the skin for about 24-48 hours after appointment.
There is nothing you specifically can't do. However, to optimize the longevity of your tinted service, it is advised to avoid using harsh facial scrubs and oils on the brows.
The longevity of your tint will differ person to person pending daily routines, skin type, and products used on the skin. Typically, our clients can get lasting results for up to 4 weeks.
Acne medications including, but not limited to:
- Accutane (at least one year off this medication)
- Adapalene
- Alustra (Retin A)
- Avage
- Avita (Retin A)
- Differin
- Isotretinoin
- Renova (Retin A)
- Tazorac
- Tazarotene
- Tretinoin (Retin A)
If you use Retin A products, it is recommended to stop using 1-2 weeks before appointment.
Please inform your esthetician if you are using any of these products:
- Alpha Hydroxy Acids (Glycolic, Lactic) in face or body products.
- After mild chemical peels or microdermabrasion, wait minimum of 7 days.
- Oral or topical antibiotics
- Salicylic Acid
- Any bleaching agents for hair (like upper lip) or skin (Hydraquinone, Trilumena)
- Other agents like chemical depilatories such as Nair (used previously) or Benzoyl Peroxide (ProActive) can make your skin very sensitive.
Waxing cannot be performed if you have:
- Been tanning within the 48 hours of your appointment, or have any sunburn.
- Varicose Veins: Doctors consent will be needed due to the vein being so close to the surface of the skin. Slight possibility the vein could rupture and cause bleeding.
- Cold sores (herpes simplex) around the mouth or lips.
- Brow microblading - must wait 2 mos before waxing can be performed.
Teeth Whitening
The ingredients: The active whitening ingredients include a one-of-a-kind combination of Hydrogen Peroxide, Carbamide Peroxide and Xylitol, as well as naturally compounded ingredients that increase whitening, reduce sensitivity, remineralize teeth and heal oral tissue, including: Calcium Lactate - Remineralizes teeth. (Enhanced effect when combined with Xylitol) Potassium Citrate - Desensitizing agent. Aloe - Heals and soothes skin irritation. Neem - Antibacterial used to heal gums and prevent plaque. Zinc - Aids in preventing plaque buildup. Note: Calcium Lactate is not milk derived.
The sessions take about 20 minutes.
Make sure you eat prior to your SunnaSmile whitening treatment. We recommend waiting an hour before you eat or drink anything, besides water.
Dental Cleaning
To achieve best results, make sure you've had a dental cleaning within 6 months of your treatment.
Take out piercings that are in your mouth.
Sores/ Cuts
Be sure you have no sores or cuts in your mouth as this will cause discomfort.
First Hour
Drink only water and don't eat anything for one hour after your whitening treatment.
First 24 Hours
For the first 24 hours after whitening, do not to consume food or drinks that are likely to cause stains. Such as blueberries, tomato sauces, beets, carrots, red wine, coffee, tea, colas, etc.
White Spots On Teeth
In some cases, you may see white spots on certain areas on your teeth. These are typically caused by calcium deposits or very porous teeth. These will normally disappear within 24 hours.
White Spots On Gums
Should you have any scrapes or cuts on your gums you may see some white spots and/or feel some sensitivity during your whitening session. These will normally disappear within 24 hours.
A small percentage of people will have minor tooth and/or gum sensitivity. This normally dissipates within 30 minutes. If sensitivity persists, use a toothpaste developed for sensitivity.
Touch Up Treatments
After your initial whitening session, a 20-minute "touch-up" session every 6 to 12 months is recommended. This could be done at home with one of our retail kits or at the salon for immediate results.
Touch Up At Home
You can also purchase the SunnaSmile whitening + aftercare gel and simply add to your toothpaste nightly to whiten and prevent restaining.
One session is the equivalent of 150+ whitening strips or 25 whitening syringes! Most people experience little to no sensitivity from the in-studio whitening session. Our SunnaSmile clients achieve an average of 3 shades whiter! We will determine what teeth shade you have right before your in-studio SunnaSmile treatment. This shade guide is also provided with the Advanced Home Whitening Kit for purchase too.
Our SunnaSmile At-Home Whitening Kits can be kept for up to 24 months!
The SunnaSmile gel absorbs the LED light energy, which photo-chemically "excites" the peroxide molecules into breaking down faster. It provides "activating energy" that speeds up and improves the performance of whitening.
The SunnaSmile LED light activates the professional whitening gel upon contact to provide visible results in just 20 minutes. Stick with it for 5 days and you'll take your teeth up to 8 shades whiter.
The SunnaSmile In-Studio treatment formula is slightly more potent than the at-home kit, removing years of built up stains and discoloration in just 15 minutes.
25 Minutes for an In-Studio session and 20 minutes per session with the At-Home kit.
Expect little to no sensitivity after using SunnaSmile; it was formulated with sensitive teeth in mind. It's safe on enamel, protects gums, causes little to no sensitivity, and is a registered natural health product. A very small percentage of people will have minor discomfort in their mouth and this normally dissipates within 10 minutes.
Fresh, minty and lightly sweet! SunnaSmile whitening gel will not make much contact with your tongue (it's ok if it does) so you likely won't notice a taste to the gel at all.
SunnaSmile is different from other whitening options in several ways: it's safe on enamel, protects gums, causes little to no-sensitivity, is a registered natural health product and on top of all that, it's more cost-effective. One SunnaSmile at-home whitening kit is the equivalent in whitening power to 50 tubes of whitening toothpaste, 25 dental whitening syringes and 5 packages of strips!
We recommend that you contact your physician prior to using whitening while pregnant. However, no government issued restrictions currently exist.
The recommended minimum age to use SunnaSmile is 12. If you're unsure, please check with your dentist.
If you have gingivitis or any periodontal disease you should consult with your dentist prior to whitening.
If possible, yes! And if you had not had a cleaning in the last 6 months, we highly recommend it.
SunnaSmile is safe for crowns, caps and veneers, and stains will be removed during whitening, returning to their original color.
Crest Home Whitening Kit
- 30 minutes, 2x daily, for 30 days
- 8% hydrogen peroxide
- No immediate results
- Does not apply evenly
- Mild to severe sensitivity
Dental Office Whitening
- 2 hour in office appointment
- Purchasing fitted teeth trays and whitening syringes for your trays to use at home.
- Mild to severe sensitivity
- 15%-35% hydrogen peroxide & 10-44% carbamide peroxide
- Expensive
SunnaSmile Sessions
- Results in 15-20 minutes
- LED light activated formula
- Hybrid hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide gel
- Contails Xylitol to reduce sensitivity
- Maximum results in less than 1 week, no syringes required
- Advanced home whitening kit and refill gels available to further whitening treatment as needed